Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Pg. 136 & 136 – Start of Descent VI

September 15th, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

And thus, the final chapter of Volume 1 of Fantasia Arks begins. I’m seven pages away from completing the lineart inking of the chapter remake, and for some reason because of me taking more time to do the panels with greater quality detail, they look far better than the rest of the pages in the first volume, which I feel, may become detrimental to the quality of the printed book.

However, it is an unavoidable fact, since I will not have the time to go back and redo the rest of the chapters. I settled on only the first two chapters because of this time constraint. My goal is to complete the pages for Volume 1by at least two deadlines – a soft deadline of October 21st, and a hard deadline of November 30th. I then will have only one month to do proof reading and such. This means there will be very little time for finetuning my pages for the print release, and I also have to plan on adding at least 20 pages of bonus content in the form of concept art, character art, backstories and other such stuff, which will most likely appear in sketch form, not inked due to the time limitations.

Anyway. One thing is for certain. The art will certainly change by Chapter 7/Descent VII, as I aim to try to improve my illustration of the characters’ eyes to better demonstrate the ladies’ feminity, and make their faces much less “androgynous”.

More about my situation will be explained in an update on Wednesday. In the meantime, please do come see my uStream broadcast – I will be inking, at the least three pages today, and I will be recording the broadcast as well for others who do not manage to catch it live.

-NK Out

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Page 134

September 12th, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

Sorry for the delay in getting this one up. I had been beating myself over the head with my work at the drawing board. Got about two pages done (more like 1 and 3/4’s, one more panel to go on the second), and now that the weekend is here, I’m resting and prepping to do some more concept sketching of some characters.

In the meantime, I encourage you to go check out the Fantasia Arks Forums. :)

-NK Out!

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The Errand Boy This Fine Day

September 12th, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

Broadcast on uStream starts in an hour, it will be a short one, for only two pages or less, depending on the time left in the day. After that, I’m going to leave the house for once and enjoy this nice, pleasant sunny day we’re having! (And do some freaking important errands too)

Once all that is done, I’ll post page 134 for today’s update. :)

Oh! And the Fantasia Arks forums are now live!

-NK Out

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