Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Pg 133 & Forums Going Live Soon

September 10th, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

Well, and we see this mystery ship prepare its guns! The Phasmatis below have no clue what is coming to them. In addition, the Fantasia Arks forums will be going live soon. Keep an eye on the sidebar to the right for a link to the forums. :)


Edit: Wow, sloppy NK is sloppy. I forgot to include the sound effects and dialog for page 133! I’ll reupload the page tonight, and have page 134 prepared for the update tomorrow.

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Page 132 – Redux

September 08th, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

I originally planned to have a rant against some animoo artists here today, but I changed my mind – instead it’ll be about art quality. Lately, Sarah Ellerton over at Phoenix Requiem told me that it is possible that some charitable readers will throw money at any webcomic as long as they think it’ll go somewhere worthwhile if the artist needs it. For instance, webcomics like Flipside.

Haven’t seen that happen yet, heh. My site’s being hosted for free over at ToonZone/Cartoons,Dammit! and financially I’m struggling. I’m still debating on that question of whether or not I should solict donations from my audience. Maybe as soon as the forums are up, I’ll see if the audience is willing to discuss the issue.

Hit the jump to read my rant.

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Page 131 – not satisfied~

September 05th, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

Page 131, some questions are asked and we get closer to the conclusion of Chapter 5. You can get on uStream or visit the Drawing Board section of the website to watch me work starting at 9:30 AM Pacific, these broadcasts will be made on update days.

About the update schedule, I’ve been considering scaling back my update schedule some more, mostly due to the fact that the chapter remakes are taking longer to ink than expected.


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