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Pg. 138 & Remake Previews
Well, page 138 is up, and with it comes a preview of some special unedited, unlettered raw scans of the Descent I and II page remakes that will become exclusive to the print version. The previews, along with a side-by-side comparison, is after the jump.
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Sorry for the lack of an update today, guys. I’ve got a lot of stuff to do, and it’s going to be a LONG weekend! Come back on Monday to see the next page. :)
Also, there are new stuff being worked on, and I will also be giving you guys a preview of the chapter remakes I’ve been working on.
-NK Out.
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With the limited number of pages I have left as a buffer, I will have to start working on Chapter 7. There is, however, a very good chance I will need to have a brief “working hiatus” on Fantasia Arks. It is a priority for me to get the print version of Volume 1 out the door and to you – the audience.
This means the chapters for Volume 2 may end up being put on hold, with no updates after the end of November. In the harsh world of internet comics, a period without updates can mean a severe loss of interest from the consumer – and that is something I want to avoid. There is, however, an alternative. I can start showing the completed chapter remakes as a small preview in a subsection of the site, but that is largely dependent on whether or not I will have the time to get much of the work done.
We will see. In the meantime, the first volume begins to approach its close with the beginning of Chapter 6/Descent VI.
-NK Out.
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