Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

No Update Today (9/29)

September 29th, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

Sorry, guys. I’ve got an appointment today for a series of blood tests, so I won’t have the time to prepare the update for the day. But stay tuned for Wednesday! :3

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Page 140 & Another Page Preview

September 26th, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

Not much to speak of today, except for this. Some readers might be wondering why I’m not making these previews part of the vote incentives. My answer is that I don’t care about the leaderboards – for the most part, it’s a spin on the popular internet joke: it’s like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win, it still seems retarded. (Despite the fact that it can indeed bring results.)

Thumbnail Image of Church Preview

Anyway, on to the page comparisons. This is of the “Wrecked Cathederal” scene, where Maxine comes across Shino. This remade scene is part of the later half of the first chapter. I condensed the previous page and this page into a single remade page to make it more consistent in sequential presentation.

Also, there is a forum thread up regarding a character that is currently codenamed “Fenris” that I am looking to you – the reader – for submissions on her permanent name! Visit the forums to discuss Fenris!

-NK Out

P.S. Goddamn, I need to shave.

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Page 139

September 24th, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

Not much to say today, going to try to get a lot of work done – four pages of corrections, toning, lettering, etc to do at the least.


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