Pictures of the proof copy
Well, there were some complications with the proof. And after some exchanges with Ka-Blam, it became apparent there would be quite a bit of work to do on my computer’s color settings. The cover came in pretty dark.
But this isn’t the final version, mind you. I sent off a new version of the cover with some adjustments to the printers and they’ll be shipping another proofcopy to me soon. Hopefully I can get this available to you guys by christmas or new year’s.
In other news, I’m going to be making the first four pages of the book available online in an attempt to promote the book – coupled with whatever advertising I can do through Project Wonderful. In the meantime, I have to deal with communicating with several other parties in regards to my future.
Yeah. Time to find a job – which means updates, when the next book gets underway, will come slower than they did earlier this year.
-NK Out.