Oct 13
Pg. 146 – And The Future.
Well, since my Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 went bust last week, I’ve been getting more cramps. Fortunately, the replacement arrives today. Yay for OEM (non-retail) pricing at NewEgg!
I’m getting very close to finishing the pages. After that I have to return to the drawing board to start producing the bonus content. I think I have to inform you all that there might not be any updates after this chapter concludes until I’ve found a place to settle into.
Housing and Fiscal Difficulties
See, I’m likely to be evicted from my current residence in the months after my book hits the presses, and I’m unemployed so I have to find a job and fast. Unfortunately, due to a variety of factors in Washington State, the job market here is not very bright for a deaf 24-year old with average skills in video editing, illustration and writing. I could probably find a part time job as a writer for some publication, but I’d need to find another job to supplement that.
The biggest question after I finish this book is whether or not I should start focusing on returning to college. There are several prospect campuses I’m looking at, but lately I’ve been very vehemently against public colleges because of their habit of pushing completely unrelated classes on you and extending your stay at the campus for no good reason.
More on that after the jump.
Comments are off for this postOct 10
Pg. 145 – Almost Done.
Oct 8
Pg. 144
Well, now we begin the last thrust towards the end of the first volume. Page 144 depicts the bridge of the Resilient as they begin their systems checks for takeoff. Rest assured, this will be quite the visual show.
Other than that, nothing new to speak of – nine more pages to go on the page remake’s digital post production. Then I return to the drawing board to produce the bonus content for the book. :)
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