Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Pictures of the proof copy

December 04th, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

Well, there were some complications with the proof. And after some exchanges with Ka-Blam, it became apparent there would be quite a bit of work to do on my computer’s color settings. The cover came in pretty dark.

But this isn’t the final version, mind you. I sent off a new version of the cover with some adjustments to the printers and they’ll be shipping another proofcopy to me soon. Hopefully I can get this available to you guys by christmas or new year’s.

In other news, I’m going to be making the first four pages of the book available online in an attempt to promote the book – coupled with whatever advertising I can do through Project Wonderful. In the meantime, I have to deal with communicating with several other parties in regards to my future.

Yeah. Time to find a job – which means updates, when the next book gets underway, will come slower than they did earlier this year.

-NK Out.

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Volume 1 has begun work.

December 01st, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

I’m going to take a more laid-back approach to doing Volume 1, and I’ve just begun work on it. Because I took so much time away from the drawing board, it’s gonna take me a while to get reacclimated to it, heh.

In the meantime, still waiting for the proofcopy of Volume 0 to arrive, and once it does, I’ll post photos here. :)


Update: proofcopy has arrived. It looks well done, some errors here and there, along with some contrasting issues. Those will be addressed before I finalize the book. :D (P.S. I’m too lazy to configure Filezilla to my FTP server to upload the photos. They’ll go up this week, promise.)

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Happy Turkey Day!

November 27th, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized

Gobble gobble. Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner, everyone! Ka-Blam has shipped the proofcopy of Fantasia Arks Volume 0, so when it arrives I’ll post pictures of it here! :)


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