Aug 18
Page 120-121.
Well, next update is up. :3 Enjoy.
DeviFoxx: Chatrooms in DeviantArt banned you?
DeviFoxx: You had one of your Incredible Hulk moments?
NKato: Yeah. :P
Nothing new to say aside from getting my arse banned from another handful of chatrooms at DeviantArt because of some overly twitchy moderators. I think I’ll make a goal of getting myself blocked from more than 100 chatrooms at any given time.
-NK Out
Edit: New paper has arrived, resuming work!
Double Edit: Spent much of the afternoon getting the new Fantasia Arks logo item on the main site done, so that it offers a new feature: the Fantasia Arks intro video that used to be on the site’s landing page – I removed it from there due to multiple complaints about “intrusive music”…so instead I have placed it up there in the header. Just click “Play Intro”!
Comments are off for this postAug 14
Page 118 – 119 up.
And so, we start the interrogation process. The Crimson Thunder Pirate come into the ladies’ employ, and he is required to tell all he knows. What he does know, will have to wait until the next update. :)
In site-related news, the landing page has a new intro video that some may find “cool” to watch or interesting to see. The music for it was done by Jed Smith, a friend I met online at a machinima community site.
Also, I ran out of paper to work on the comic with, so things are going to slow down just a wee bit.
-NK Out.
Comments are off for this postAug 10
Descent V has begun.
Alright. With the advent of Monday for you East Coasters, the cover and first page of the Descent V chapter is up. Today, I will be working hard on both the Descent I and II remake, and the pages for Volume II.
-NK Out.
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