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Spring Quarter 2010
Well, I’m typing this on an iMac at my community college, since the wireless is being uncooperative. This quarter, I have three classes for a total of 12 credits. My grades for the Winter Quarter turned out to be rather good, with a Grade Point Average of 3.5, so I’m happy.
The classes I’m taking for Spring 2010 are as follows:
ART 131 – Drawing I
VCT 124 – Basic Macintosh Systems
VCT 125 – Introduction to Image Construction and Editing (Print Media)
MUSTC 102 – Rights and Methods of Multimedia (Legal studies)
VCT 124 and 125 are actually the same class, with 124 being the first half of the quarter and 125 in the second half. This quarter will afford me more time to work on other things, although I’m told that if I have to “upgrade” my class studies for Art 131 to either 132 or 133, the course requirement is to make 50 drawings outside of class as an assignment. Interesting.
Class is starting as I conclude this post, so…wish me luck for this quarter. Keep an eye on my DeviantArt page for postings of concept art, sketches and other stuff.
-NK out
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Winter Quarter has been kicking my ass. My ass hurts.
It’s been a lot of studying, a lot of writing, and a lot of reading – with lots of gaming in between to help keep my stress level down, with lots of explosions.
The only major dark spot I’ve had so far this quarter is my exam for Microsoft Access in my Computer Applications class, which I totally flunked. Every other exam has had good scores, though. Note to self: Read Textbook More Often, Whenever Possible.
The Spring Quarter will start on the last week of March, and with it comes studying Macintosh computers. Frankly, I would like to get a waiver on that, because I do not want to go near an Apple product anymore. Not after the time I lost $106 to a fraudulent charge through their MobileMe service – during the Mastercard Dispute process, I received a copy of the Apple receipt, and it had gobbleydook for customer information. None of it was accurate.
This led me to one conclusion: Apple, with a high-volume and high-revenue-generating service such as iTunes and MobileMe, does not make it a standard practice to cross-reference customer information with the address information of the bank card information. This makes it easier for scammers to “ping” bank cards for validity before said scammers drain the card of all money. Apple is indirectly profiting from this scam, and they know it. To make matters worse, Apple is refusing to take responsibility by ratcheting up security – they won’t even issue refunds to people who are obviously victims of fraud.
I make it a point to not do business with companies that do not care about their customers.
So with that, I say this: Fuck you, Apple!
-NK Out.
Monthly Update (Jan 2010)
Hello, y’all.
You’re probably wondering what I’m up to. Well, I’ve been up to my neck in classwork. None of it related to art. Not yet, anyway. Come Spring Quarter, I’ll be studying other classes that will have a direct impact on my ability to draw Fantasia Arks. I’m looking forward to it.
For those who are new to the website, I welcome you to my humble and (partially) neglected domain. You can read through the original content for the Phasmatis Crisis, and if the mood strikes you, order a physical Print-On-Demand copy of Phasmatis Crisis Volume 0 for $10.95 from IndyPlanet. There is a link to the store page for the book on the right side of this page, it’s the one that shows the book’s cover.
Presently, Fantasia Arks is on hold because of my college studies, but fret not. Once the Spring quarter begins, I’ll be able to share more of my work, be it conceptual, classwork, or actual production pages for Fantasia Arks.
Wish me luck with my classes.
-NK out.
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