Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category
End of Descent IV
And with this update, the last two pages of Descent IV is up. I’ll be taking the rest of the week and the weekend away from the site to work on Descent VI and the chapter remakes. So you finally meet Jase Gutenbach, the Crimson Thunder Pirate.
A little bit of background: He used to be a member of the Solara Pirates, a highly organized raiding band of pirates situated in the Asteroid Belt’s lawless regions. He left after the Solara Pirates leader had been killed during a very dangerous raid on an asteroid colony in Royal Kingdom space. He now works as an information broker part of the Intergalactic Information Bureau (IIB), buying and selling information as though it were stock on a market. He also offers his services as a mercenary from time to time, although that choice is about to be taken out of his hands…
Descent V will begin sometime during next week.
-NK Out.
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Well, there’s a little bit of exposition here in the form of a security checkpoint guard rambling on…this should give you readers an idea of just how large the Realm of Sol is with a very poorly-designed map of the Solar System. Lord, I wish I had 3D software to make this easier.
We’re two pages away from the completion of Descent 4. If you have any questions you’d like to send to me about the Fantasia Arks universe, you can send them to me at nk (-at-) fantasia-arks (-dot-) com. I might answer those questions in some Q&A strips. If that seems a little bit too much of a hassle you can always drop off a note/comment for me at DeviantArt.
Adios, until the next update!
-NK Out.
Update: Vote links for TWC and Buzz have been added to the sidebar, however do not expect vote incentives to be added, if at all! Sorry.
Comments are off for this postUpdate Schedule: Semi-Regular
Right now, I’ve just finished the digital post on Descent V (Chapter 5), so I’m going to resume a semi-regular update schedule. I’m aiming for a minimum of three pages a week. Depending on how I feel, I might post three pages on a single day in the week, or I might spread it out across the week. It’ll be random.
That said, I’m getting closer to finishing the first volume. I’ll be taking a short break (updates won’t stop, though) after I finish Descent VI (Chapter 6) in digital post, to do some rewriting on chapters 1 through 3 for the print version of the volume.
Also, I’m debating on putting the site back onto the top 200 lists at Buzzcomix and TWC. One reason why I’m against it is because it seems to turn into a mad scramble for votes – and quite frankly, I don’t care if someone likes or hates my work, all that matters is that I get to tell the story I want to show to you.
-NK Out.
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