Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category
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Well, I hope you guys are enjoying your Labor Day! I may be American, but I don’t typically celebrate this holiday, as a result I’ll be working at the drawing board today. You can get on uStream or visit the Drawing Board section of the website to watch me work starting at 9:30 AM Pacific.
Also, how to play TIE Fighter by JollyJack – it’s one of my favorite How To Play strips by the guy so far, since I am a huge fan of the Star Wars TIE Fighter, X-Wing, X-Wing VS TIE Fighter, and X-Wing Alliance games. I’ve had my better moments in gaming in these games, most notably in X-Wing Alliance with the attack on Endor.
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There will be a uStream broadcast of the Drawing Board on Labor Day. There will be work done on some action scenes, so it will prove to be very interesting.
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I’m going to scale back the updates a bit from the usual two pages to one page per update, three times a week. This is to help give myself more time to complete the chapter remakes and the rest of the Volume 1 book’s bonus content before I can get started on Chapter 7 (of Volume 2). This update schedule will take place next week, M-W-F.
There won’t be a uStream broadcast today, I’m not particularly feeling very chipper this morning and my mind is still a little bit worn out from yesterday’s marathon of inking. I will probably get two pages at most done this day, maybe three. It’s really a toss-up on how the day improves for me, a really gloomy, cloudy day brings my energy down.
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