Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Pg. 164 – 165

February 11th, 2009 | Category: Uncategorized

Well. We see what Shino is up to – and a hint at a distant past?

I apologize for the lack of tones, I haven’t had the time to finish them. I will hopefully have those taken care of by next week when I do the next two pages. Things have been really bogging me down. Wish me luck.

-NK out.

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Pg. 162-163

February 04th, 2009 | Category: Uncategorized

A couple pages for today, guys. I haven’t been able to work on the rest of the pages of the batch because I’ve been very tied up with the Darkstalkers Tribute – it’s due in March, and I’m trying to do it with the quality I need in order to have a better chance of being selected for Udon’s Darkstalkers 15th Anniversary Tribute artbook.

Fret not, though. There are a lot of things going on in the background in my life – most of them related to Fantasia Arks. What exactly, I cannot say. Perhaps there will be an announcement about it much later this year. :)

-NK Out.

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I’m not dead. At least, not yet.

January 30th, 2009 | Category: Uncategorized

You’re probably wondering why there isn’t an update this week. Well, I’ve been scatterbrained – and I’ve just been working on getting myself pieced back together. That Darkstalkers Tribute piece is also taking up a fair amount of my time, since it is going to be my first serious full-color piece, so I’m making it the best I can to the extent of my current abilities.

Do expect an update next week, though – I plan to have a few pages up.

-NK Out.

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