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Disappointing Day (9/03)

Today was a little bit more disappointing in terms of productivity because my preferred inking pen, the Pigma Micron 03 (0.35mm), had just run dry. Not long after, the 05 started to run dry. I had ordered another set of pens to be shipped to me and should arrive tomorrow. However, I should start considering ordering pens individually in batches to take into account the amount of work I put into them using certain sizes – specifically the 03 and 02.

Only one page was finished today, and I’m questioning its quality since much of the lineart was done using the 05, to help give two panels the boldness it needs to be able to “jump out” at the reader, in terms of the characters’ actions.

With that said, I’m going to try to relax for the rest of the day and work some on getting a sketch version of the cover for the first book done. I’m collaborating with a very talented painter to have it colored. :3

-NK Out.

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